Ashley Elrick is a 4th year PhD Candidate in the Department of Communication and a research assistant at the Huntsman Cancer Institute. Her research focus is family communication of family health history and cancer genomic information and she has been trained in both quantitative and qualitative methods. |
Caitlin Kelly is an incoming 4th year student in the Developmental Psychology PhD program with a cross-emphasis in health. Her general research interests, broadly, are in how social relationships benefit or harm chronic illness management efforts across the life-span. Her methodology tends to lean quantitative and she has experience in analyzing some longitudinal and diary data using multilevel modeling. She also has some experience in qualitative research and is eager to learn more analysis techniques for qualitative data. |
Eunjin Lee is a postdoctoral fellow in the department of psychology. Her research interests lie in the area of couple and family relationships, with an emphasis on physical and mental health-related adversity and coping strategies through the lens of couple and family relationships. In addition, she is interested in stress and coping theories in couples and families dealing with health-related adversity. She has been learning both quantitative and qualitative research methods. |
Jackie Einerson just graduated with a master's in Occupational Therapy from the University of Utah. She is a first year PhD student in Rehabilitation Science in the College of Health. She hopes to focus her research on couples and families coping with stroke, especially informal caregivers of persons with stroke. She would like to explore challenges and interventions regarding role changes within couples (especially young couples), community reintegration, occupational loss, caregiver preparedness, and effects on caregivers. She will likely use both quantitative and qualitative methodologies in her future research. The only training she has received has been during her master's program. |
Jenna Alley's current research is particularly interested in studying the role of early sexual experiences in shaping later development, and in this respect her work is grounded in evolutionary and developmental theories, such as the Adaptive Calibration Model and Life History Theory. Her current interests in methodology are examining individual differences in youths' biologically-based susceptibility to the positive and negative aspects of early sexual experiences, as well as how physiological responses to stress influence other aspects of ones behaviors. |
Katarina Friberg Felsted is a gerontologist earning a nursing research PhD in the College of Nursing. Her cohort
was admitted with an Aging, Cancer, and End-of-Life emphasis. She is beginning her
fifth and final year in the program, which is full time. Her research interests are
using complementary and integrative therapies to treat chronic conditions in older
adults; specifically, her current focus is using educational, mind-body approaches
to treat urge urinary incontinence in older adult women. She finds quantitative research to be a little more straight-forward although she views qualitative research as a critical method of exploration. Each has its place in scientific discovery. Rarely are they interchangeable as a study is designed. She has had some experience with both. Although she is earning a PhD in nursing and is a full time faculty member in the College of Nursing, she is not a nurse. She has a master's degree in gerontology with an emphasis in wellness and an undergraduate degree in English Literature and Composition. |
Lauren Lasrich is a second year graduate student in the Human Development and Social Policy program (Family and Consumer Studies Department). She is currently working on research about youth with autism and their families. She is also working on research with health care professionals and child life specialists on their experiences working with youth with autism. She works in both qualitative and quantitative research methodology. She will be working on quantitative analysis evaluating the perspectives of providers and families regarding autism in healthcare for her graduate thesis. |
Mike Newman is starting his 3rd year as a PhD student in the Division of Public Health. He is transitioning into the dissertation proposal phase and his topic is healthy aging in Utah. His first step is to identify and validate methods and criteria to determine if an individual is a "healthy ager", meaning that they have few or no chronic medical conditions into their 80s and 90s. He will then apply the findings to Medicare data found within UPDB to pinpoint families and geographical areas in Utah in which excess healthy aging is found. Follow up studies may include infiltrating those communities to discover their secrets of staying healthy into old age! |
Rebecca Owen will be starting her 4th year in the Sociology PhD program, which is the dissertation proposal stage of her program. Her areas of interest include adolescent development, juvenile delinquency, and life course trajectories. She uses Stata, and has worked on projects that have mainly utilized logistic regression for analysis. |
Rumei Yang is a PhD student at College of Nursing University of Utah. She works as RA and TA to help classes NURS 7500 Evidence Based Practice and NURS 6701 Fundamentals of Epidemiology & Biostatistics this summer. Her research focuses on data analytics, information technology, and its applications in improving the care of older adults and their relationship with family members. Her long-term career goal is to become an independent investigator and leader in the study of patient safety, risk prediction, and quality of care for older adults that takes into account the role of families in caregiving processes; leveraging data from Electronic Health Record (EHR) systems to best support clinical decision making and patient/family engagement throughout the care continuum. Two methodological preferences and training: Python for Data science, Longitudinal data analysis. |
Sarah E. Wawrzynski is a Registered Nurse at Primary Children's Hospital in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit, where she has worked for the last 13 years. She is beginning her 2nd year as a PhD Student in the College of Nursing. Her research interests are in improving the quality of life of children dealing with chronic and life limiting illness, as well as that of their parents. Up to this point my research has been qualitative, but I am interested in gaining some experience in quantitative research. |
Zobayer (Zubi) Ahmmad joined the department of Sociology as a Graduate (PhD) Student in the fall of 2016. He is going to begin his second academic year this fall. He has chosen population & health as an area of concentration, for which the courses he has been taking were in the fields of population dynamics (e.g, fertility, mortality, migration), family, and health. Along with the program of studies, he has been working on 'family and adolescent mental health' using Add Health data sets. He wants to explore the mediation of the relationship between fragile families and adolescent mental health by sexual risk taking behavior. The study will focus on longitudinal methods and will be a quantitative study. |
Ascher Munion is starting their third year in the department of psychology, in the cognitive neuroscience subsection. Their primary research interest is in the application of advanced statistical methods to best describe the impacts of social support and cognition on health management. Their theoretical framework is dynamical systems, which informs their current work with teens and adults management of type one diabetes. |